“Food is everything we are. It’s an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It’s inseparable from those from the get-go.”
– Anthony Bourdain
Food gathers us. Whether it’s the friendly conversation across a dinner table, the banter over the grill or the clink of ice in a summer cocktail around a fire pit, chances are, as good as the meal is, it’s always the company, the conversation and the event that stands out in sharpest detail. It’s a part of our societal fabric; our history and our culture.
Luckily, Montana has a lot of good, local food and adventures to pair with it.
From cuts of beef and bison raised on family-owned ranches that utilize sustainable, regenerative agriculture, to passionate cheesemakers honing their unique craft and passing down their traditions—this summer issue of VIEWS. celebrates those local producers who give us reason to gather around loved ones for sustenance after a long day of fishing, hiking and camping.
After reading, and as you delve into your own adventures this summer punctuated by a good meal, we hope that you have a deeper understanding of the people and work it takes to make our food possible. Because for them, it’s not simply a job, it’s a passion to cultivate the land and provide that gathering space for you, your family and your friends.
Enjoy the VIEWS. And stay hungry, both for Montana’s endless supply of good food and adventure.
– Mira Brody, Managing Editor